Wednesday, January 19, 2011

18 Birthday Invitation Quote

But she pays the salaries and F24 with the stock ?????

days of discussions with major customers and analysis of the year just ended. Frankly, I thought worse, however, the rules for optimal management of financial dynamics remain the same, and even in times of crisis, these levers must not be abandoned.
Inosomma countries where the culture of the consolidated fund and not the fairy tales we were taught something and we have to learn.
The cash never lies, whereas the rest are just self-talk, as any managerial choice has its effects on the level of current flow from operations.
fact, proper management of the variables most important (trade receivables, inventory and debts of supply) in working capital funds can autogenerate concrete and not fairy tales.
I come to the point, during my teaching of financial analysis, one participant explained to us how do you take control of his company: he told us that the warehouse is big enough to "buffer" the its operational and financial debts soon.
I would say that under a static equilibrium profile of the reasoning is flawless, but if we analyze the daily life of his choice and the financial distress of treasury are fairly pronounced. For
provvocarlo and create a classroom discussion I gave him the following question:
Excuse me, but she the F24 or paying the salary of employees with stock ?????
That is, at 10 or 16 of each month, the Treasury or employees handed him a piece of stock instead of money ???????? He
: Well not really, but the banks a bit and then help me with some providers (accountants etc ...) when I will pay them !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
I would say that the line of reasoning, not least because, manage their financial stress by downloading their inefficiencies on the other is a little game say that puts in place the Conticini the end of the month, but, from today and tomorrow, the banks do not give you too much and suppliers are like matches, and that fool them once, then the budget you have to do it alone !!!!!!!!!!!!
is not a story, and in some ways is the newspaper of some entrepreneurs who are living the illusion of revenue at all costs, they forget that the debts are paid by the proper management of working capital, not the fairy tale you tell themselves to be at peace with their conscience.
So what are the remedies and the managerial levers ????? Without disturbing
great speeches, to conclude that a good sailor, even if the sky is clear before removing the still watch the weather and sea .


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